Convert & download online Tiktok videos to MP3 MP4 in HD

Here you can convert and download Tiktok videos to MP3, MP4 and AVI in HD and various qualities for free wherever you go. Just copy and paste Tiktok video link and convert it.

How to convert Tiktok videos to MP3 MP4 in HD quality?

Steps to convert HD videos on Tiktok and other websites and download them:

  1. To listen to a song, type its name in the search box or copy and paste its Tiktok URL.
  2. You'll be taken to the page with the converted video in one minute.
  3. After the conversion is done, a download button will show up.
  4. Your .mp3 file or other file type is now playing.

When a video is converted from Tiktok to mp4, it is always done at the best possible quality. Please keep in mind that we can only convert Tiktok videos for up to 4 hours of duration. This limit is in place to ensure that no video conversion takes more than a few seconds.

You don't have to register or download software to use our service. You agree to our terms of service by using our service.

Fast & Easy way

With the help of our Tiktok video downloader, you can quickly convert videos from Tiktok to common file formats like MP4, MP3, WEBM, and M4A.

Unlimited downloads

It lets you download and convert many Tiktok videos as possible at the fastest speed of up to 1GB/s.

Safe and Secure method

The quality and content of the converted and downloaded files are the same as those on Tiktok.

Support all types of devices

SafeConverter is a website-based Tiktok video downloader that works on all platforms without downloading or installing the software.

Supports many file formats

Our safe Tiktok converter works with many different types of video and audio files. Tiktok videos can be converted quickly and easily to a wide range of music and video file formats, including MP3, 3GP, MP4, WMA, M4A, FLV, WEBM, MO, and many more.

Free online service forever

The Tiktok videos converter is free to use and will stay that way. Please help us by sending this tool to anyone you think could use it. It's very much appreciated.

Our free online Tiktok video converter makes it easy to convert a Tiktok video to MP4. The "Tiktok to MP4 converter" tool lets you convert videos from Tiktok to MP4 in Full HD resolution, including 720p, 1080p, 1440p, and 2160p.